E. Stefan Kehlenbach Ph.D.

I am an Assistant Professor at the University at Albany as well as a member of the Governance of Emerging Technologies research group (GET).
My book project, The Age of Data: A New Critical Theory of Technology, brings the tools of political and critical theory to bear on the problem of mass datafication — having everything about us, from the core of our identities to our most banal activities, turned into data. It focuses on the structural and conceptual issues that underpin datafication, examining how these structures of power are established and perpetuated, as well as how they impact us at an intellectual level, managing and modifying the very ways in which we understand and interact with the world around us, ultimately controlling how we are able to act politically. The Age of Data outlines the consequences that mass datafication has for democracy and the vision of a society free from technological domination.
My book project, The Age of Data: A New Critical Theory of Technology, brings the tools of political and critical theory to bear on the problem of mass datafication — having everything about us, from the core of our identities to our most banal activities, turned into data. It focuses on the structural and conceptual issues that underpin datafication, examining how these structures of power are established and perpetuated, as well as how they impact us at an intellectual level, managing and modifying the very ways in which we understand and interact with the world around us, ultimately controlling how we are able to act politically. The Age of Data outlines the consequences that mass datafication has for democracy and the vision of a society free from technological domination.
Education Background
Ph.D., Political Science, University of California – Riverside
Concentrations: Political Theory, Comparative Politics
M.A., Political Science, Boston College
Concentration: Political Theory
B.A., Political Science, University of California – Irvine
Concentration: Political Theory
B.A., Philosophy, University of California – Irvine
Concentration: Early-Modern Philosophy
Concentrations: Political Theory, Comparative Politics
M.A., Political Science, Boston College
Concentration: Political Theory
B.A., Political Science, University of California – Irvine
Concentration: Political Theory
B.A., Philosophy, University of California – Irvine
Concentration: Early-Modern Philosophy